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Restoration of the north porch of the south quadrangle

Restoration of the north porch of the south quadrangle


The porch is the main entrance of the south quadrangle, in the center of its north facade. Between its two successive doors and their high pediments, the brick roof resting on a wooden frame has disappeared long ago. The upper parts of the hall have collapsed, blocking the passage under their rubble.


The reconstruction of this hall, according to the anastylosis technique of replacing the collapsed blocks of sandstone in their original situation after strengthening the foundations, is in progress since 2008 under a field-training project. The preliminary survey, stone by stone, and the action plan were carried out by a Lao architect with the technical support of French architects. The collection of fallen stones and their identification, implemented by the team of the SAVG, is followed by the partial dismantling of the walls still in place to give access to their foundation.

quadrangle_Sud_porche_nord quadrangle_Sud_demontage_P quadrangle_sud_porche_nord_face  

View of South palace,

North main entrance

View of South palace,

North main entrance

View of South palace,

North main entrance



The follow up will involve the repair of broken stones, the replacement of stones disappeared or too much damaged by new blocks of sandstone, the strengthening of the foundations and the reconstruction of walls, doors and sculptured pediments.


The project provides professional training to a team of Lao architects, engineers and technicians. When completed, it will reinstate the architectural value of the south quadrangle, one of the two monuments which surround the entry to Vat Phu temple, and will finally allow the tourists to enter the building.



Palais Sud,  Fronton du porche Nord

South Palace,

Pediment of North main entrance

Text : Pierre Pichard

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